On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.
Annual work plans
Annual work plans
Our work plans seek to ensure water is managed in accordance with the rules set by the Basin Plan and the Water Act 2007. Our workplan enables us to report the facts about compliance levels to the community.
The Inspector-General has a proactive approach to address the risks in water compliance. This includes focusing its work on areas where there are known concerns about water management.
As an independent regulator, the Inspector-General has discretion in performing compliance and enforcement functions. The Inspector-General may use powers and choose to change priorities beyond those published in the work plan.
Download our work plans from 2021 to 2024.
If you have difficulty accessing this file, email contact@igwc.gov.au for assistance.
Annual Work Plan 2024-25 – Version 2 (PDF 2.43 MB)
Annual Work Plan 2024-25 – Version 2 (DOCX 2.12 MB)
Annual Work Plan 2023-24 (PDF 536 KB)
Annual Work Plan 2023-24 (DOCX 10.2 MB)
Annual Work Plan 2022-23 (PDF 202 KB)
Annual Work Plan 2022-23 (DOCX 1.05 MB)
2021-22 Inspector-General of Water Compliance - Compliance Priorities and Workplan (PDF 392 KB)
2021-22 Inspector-General of Water Compliance - Compliance Priorities and Workplan (DOCX 1.26 MB)